Redeemed Complete: A Military Stepbrother Romance Read online
Page 6
“Inside your truck? But we just met!” I was still teasing, but there was a hint of truth mixed in there too. I liked Steve, but I didn’t know him.
Steve didn’t respond with words, but smiled and pressed his lips into mine. He tasted good, and I liked it when he pushed me against the door of his truck. His hands were on either side of my head, touching the door.
We kissed like that for a while. I felt a rush of daring and excitement. I was shocked to find myself in a situation like this just hours after I’d come back to Summitville. All joking with Maggie about me sleeping with a ton of guys every hour, this was totally unlike me. I wondered if pouring myself into this too-small dress was the problem. Was that what got Steve interested? Was that what made him come over and talk to me? I tried to wrap my head around it as we kissed.
Was I giving off the wrong message by dressing like this? I just did it because I didn’t have any other dresses to wear to stupid Harrison’s stupid welcome home party that everyone on Earth knew about except for me! This wasn’t my fault! Was wearing an outfit like this making me act differently than I was used to? I had no idea, but it could be.
Suddenly, things changed. I felt Steve move one of his hands away from near my head, and the next thing I knew, he was sliding his hand up my side, starting at my leg. I opened my eyes in surprise, and I shivered, not just because of the cold, but because it felt so good, even with his fingers moving upward over my dress like that.
Steve kept going, tracing his fingers up my waist and higher while we kissed. I could feel the sharp intake of his breath as he moved up, slowly.
After a few seconds he reached my chest, and I breathed in deeply as he cupped one of my breasts in his hand. Despite the layers of my bra and dress, which, to be fair, were both on the skimpy side, my nipple hardened against his gentle touch.
I closed my eyes again and sighed. It felt wonderful, having someone else touch me like that. I pressed my head against the cold glass of the door behind me, thrusting my breasts out toward Steve, giving him as much to touch as I could.
Steve kept playing with my breasts while he kissed me in the parking lot of the Crown. It felt like we continued on like that for hours, but of course, it was only a couple minutes.
I could have stayed like that for even longer, but Steve clearly had other ideas. Eventually he stopped playing with my breasts and moved his hand lower, slowly. I pushed myself away from the wall, thrusting my chest out at him even further, wanting to keep him there, wanting to keep him away from what I thought he would do next.
Steve didn’t disappoint - I felt his fingers brushing down my body over my dress. I tensed up, hoping he would slow down. This was moving a little too quickly for my taste. We barely knew each other.
“Mmmmh,” I moaned into his mouth as he kissed me. Steve pulled his lips away and started kissing down the side of my face and to my neck. I shuddered; it felt amazing, and for a second I was distracted from Steve’s wandering hands.
But not for long. “Steve,” I breathed, while he kissed me lightly up and down my neck. “We should slow down.” I could barely think straight with how he was making me feel. It had been so long since anyone had kissed me or touched me like this.
I craved more, even though I knew better. I wanted more, but this had to stop. Maybe if we spent some more time together, during the day or something, I could open up, but this was all happening too fast. It was like a blur, a fast moving train I wanted to get off of.
Steve paused to say, “Yeah?” He kept kissing me.
“Yeah. I mean, we just met. This is fun and all, but I don’t really know you.” I thought I was making my point well, that Steve would stop.
“What’s there to know?” He kept going. I felt his hand start sliding up my too-short dress.
His voice was hard and lusty. “Laurel,” he almost sneered as his hand kept moving, “we’re just having fun.” I opened my eyes and looked at him. Steve’s face was a mask of lust and power, like a conquering warrior.
“I know, I know, but it’s a little more…fun than I expected tonight.” I didn’t want to sound like a prude, though I really was one. I didn’t want to sound like a tease, like the girl who would do ‘anything but that,’ but I wasn’t enjoying this anymore.
Right then I felt his fingers slide up my inner thigh, higher, just brushing over my panties. I fluttered my eyes and let out what must have been a combination of a moan and a squeal. I bit my lip again. It felt nice, but in a disconnected sort of way. Like I wanted it to feel nicer, but it just wouldn’t. Not right now.
“Steve, come on, that’s too much. Slow down, please.”
“Come on, Laurel, let’s have a good time. You’ll love it, I promise. I’m gonna make you feel so good.” His words had the beginnings of a slur to them.
“We’ve done that, and we’re having a good time, but please let’s not go any further. We should at least get to know each other a little more before we…”
“We know each other well enough. I know you well enough,” he almost sneered, looking at me, his eyes looking smaller, almost beady, “to be able to tell how much you want it.”
“Want what?” I knew what he was going to say next.
“To be with me. Right here, right now.”
“What, right here? You mean have sex with you? No, Steve, I don’t want that.” I tried to make my voice sound as strong as possible. Maybe after a few more dates, a lot more time, getting to know each other.
Steve laughed in my face. The laugh that I’d liked in the bar, that I’d felt drawn to when we kissed against the side of the building, that laugh was gone. Now his laugh sounded shrill and angry, like a child not getting what he wanted from the toy store. A child used to getting what he wanted in everything.
Here was the perfect blond haired, blue eyed American boy, the boy you rushed home to tell your mother about, revealing himself as something completely different, something completely unexpected.
I struggled, trying to push Steve away, but he was way too strong for me. He kept laughing all the while as I tried to get away from him, almost flailing about. I could feel myself starting to cry. I needed to get away from him as soon as possible.
“You think,” Steve said, his voice getting higher, “that I’m going to let you get away from me that easily, Laurel? We’re just getting started, babe.” He started moving closer to me again.
I struggled as hard as I could, my eyes closed and starting to tear up, trying to push him away with all my being, mental and physical. As much as I tried, as much as I wanted him to go away, or for me to be anywhere other than where I was in that moment, it didn’t work.
A new voice appeared. “No, you’re just finishing up.” I squinted through the coming tears, trying to make out who it was, but they were just beyond the low light of the parking lot’s overhead lamps.
Without turning around, Steve said, “Move along, man, this doesn’t concern you.” He looked back at me and held a finger up to his mouth. He didn’t want me making a sound. I was so scared, I listened, but not because I wanted to, but because I couldn’t find the words or the sounds to make.
“It does now,” the voice countered, slow and gruff. “Get away from her.”
Steve’s shoulders rose as he set them back, dipping toward me before leaning back and whipping his head around. “I said, beat it, man, this is between me and the lady!” He looked around, and I could tell he was squinting, trying to find whoever was talking to him.
“And this is how you treat ‘ladies?’” The voice was getting closer.
Steve kept looking back, trying to make out who had interrupted him. I saw the opportunity and tried to push him away, get out from under him, and get to safety, both from him and whoever it was that was getting in his way. Not that I wasn’t immediately grateful for the help, but I didn’t know this new guy either and after what was happening now I wasn’t taking any chances. “I said, this doesn’t conc
ern you. The lady and I were just having a disagreement. It’s been resolved. Now move along.”
Steve didn’t let me get away, though, so our disagreement was definitely not resolved. As I resisted and pushed against him, he tightened his grip and I fell back against the smooth and cold exterior of his pickup truck. I managed to find the words right then. “Let me go, Steve!” I rasped in pain. “I want to go home.”
“Let her go.” The voice had darkened in tone, if that was even possible. “Last time I warn you.”
“Oh yeah? And then what happens?” Steve sneered. Clearly he was not used to people trying to intimidate him. I’m guessing most of the time it was the other way around, and Steve usually got his way.
He definitely could be charming, as I’d found out, but now I saw that it had only been a facade - just barely underneath the surface, Steve was a manipulator who got his way through force. I didn’t know how such a terrible person could be wrapped up in such a nice package, but I didn’t have time to figure that out, I just needed to get away.
“You may not walk away from this,” the voice said, stepping forward. The low curtain of light illuminating his shoes on up as he moved closer to us. I felt Steve’s muscles tense against me as the man came into view, the light slowly revealing him.
The new man was strong, definitely in shape, and dressed like he’d come from a fancy party. The dark cut of his suit hugged his muscles and looked fashionable at the same time. He stopped just before the light would let us see his head.
“I said, let her go.”
“And I said, stay out of it. What part of that didn’t you understand, fella?” Steve’s voice was higher than before. He was definitely getting nervous. I wonder how often anyone in this town stood up to him. Judging by how he sounded, it wasn’t often, if ever. Maybe that’s why he liked staying in Summitville. Must be good to be the big fish in such a small pond; maybe it came with a lot of perks.
I wasn’t going to be one of them.
“I can’t do that.” He stepped forward and Steve and I saw who the new man was. I shrieked, unable to contain my surprise. “Even if you weren’t assaulting my sister.”
Shit. It was Harrison. My stepbrother.
“Harrison!” I called out, relieved to see him. “What’re you doing here?” I sputtered, unable to believe what was happening. Not only had this seemingly-nice guy turned on me and pushed things way too far way too quickly, but my evil stepbrother had shown up and was defending me?! Him of all people. I didn’t know what to think, much less what to say.
Harrison was shaking. I’d seen him angry before, but he was different now. Back then he would rage around the house and the town, and had gotten in trouble for fighting more often than I could count.
This new Harrison was trying to keep that inside. I looked at his hands, clenched tight together in fists, so tight I could see his skin turning white. His suit clung to his body like a vice, showing off every twist and movement of his muscles.
It was almost erotic.
“Sister, eh?” I felt Steve relax his grip. I took my chance and shoved him as hard as he could. Steve laughed as he easily absorbed the force of my attack and came in close. “Relax, princess, I’ll get to you in a minute.” My cheeks burned in shame that I couldn’t protect myself better against this loser.
Then he turned around and faced Harrison. I was free, but I couldn’t move. I had to see what happened next.
Harrison and Steve stood there, a few feet apart, under the low light of the parking lot. Snow started to fall, a light dusting to herald the oncoming holidays. Steve tried to look tough, puffing himself up, like some warped and twisted version of the All-American boy. Harrison stood across from him, outwardly calm except for the clear tension in his hands. I was shocked that Harrison was able to keep it together like this for so long. This was definitely not the same guy I lived with in high school.
That guy would have come out swinging and probably ended up in the back of a police car. I couldn’t hear any sirens this time.
“Laurel,” Harrison said, his voice measured. I could see the steam coming out of his mouth in the cold night, “Come over here and get behind me.” I started to move away, as much as I could, to the side so I could make my way toward Harrison, toward safety.
“She’s not going anywhere. Harrison, was it?” He stepped back a step, almost pushing into me. “I heard about you.” His words held a twinge of respect. “You used to be a real hellion around these parts, yeah? I heard stories.” He stepped forward toward Harrison. “Well, this is now. Stories don’t count for much around here anymore. Not unless you can back them up.” I couldn’t see his grin, but I could tell he was smiling. “So what’ll it be, tough guy? You just a story or are you a little more than that?”
Harrison smiled too and moved forward, so quickly I couldn’t even believe it. Closing the distance between him and Steve, Harrison took the first swing, right toward Steve’s stomach. The speed of his punch caught Steve off guard, and Steve doubled over in pain, giving me the perfect chance to get away and run around the circle the two gladiators had created.
I stopped just behind Harrison, wanting to get close to him, but staying away while he took care of Steve. Already I could feel some of the tension drain out of me, replaced by a new kind of fear - wanting to make sure Harrison was OK.
I shouldn’t have worried, though. Harrison was a trained soldier and had been getting in fights as long as I’d known him. Steve looked like he’d been in a scrape or two before, but I also got the impression Steve wasn’t used to someone fighting back.
Or making the first move, like Harrison enjoyed doing.
Harrison stood over Steve’s groaning body, in a stance that suggested he thought a counterattack was coming. He’d read the situation right; Steve came back swinging from his leaned over position, trying to catch Harrison square in the jaw with a blow that would have knocked him over like a video game character.
Harrison saw it coming and pushed it away easily, deflecting it away with some sort of martial arts move with his hands. He must have learned that in the military. I could see a smile on his face; he was almost laughing. That seemed much closer to the Harrison I knew from way back when. Maybe the calm and collected Harrison I’d heard about from our parents, and seen so far on this trip, was all a facade too, like Steve’s had been?
Maybe underneath the cool exterior Harrison was still a monster inside?
“You heard stories about me? Huh?” Harrison scoffed, kneeing Steve in the groin, causing him to keel over in renewed and obvious pain. Steve was in no shape to retaliate any further. As quickly as this fight had begun, it was over, and there was no disputing who’d won. I looked down at Steve - feeling nothing of the attraction and excitement I’d felt just a few minutes earlier.
Harrison bent down with his powerful legs, crouching over Steve’s hapless body as he slowly moved back and forth, breathing deeply and moaning softly. Harrison watched him, his eyes gleaming in the low light. He had the look of victory on his face.
Harrison whispered something, and I picked it up, just barely. “All the stories are true.”
He crouched there over Steve for a few more seconds before standing back up tall in a quick motion. He turned to me, adjusting his tie and smoothing out his suit. Despite the fight, he looked like he was barely breathing heavily. Harrison looked gorgeous, and not just because he’d gotten into a fight to defend me.
That he’d won the fight and still looked clean and sophisticated was amazing too. He pointed back toward the lights of the bar. “Let’s get out of here. Come on, Laurel.”
Harrison put his arm around me, and I clung to him like a life preserver. We left Steve lying there in the low light, and headed towards Harrison’s car. I didn’t even look back.
Chapter 06 - The Kissing
I thought we were going back into the bar, but Harrison had other ideas. “I’m taking you home, Laurel.” His voice brooked no discussion, and to be honest, I didn
’t want to go back in there anyway, with the low lights and smell of cheap beer. Whatever enticement it had held just a few minutes earlier was gone now. My night was definitely over.
But Maggie was still inside, and by now she’d be expecting me back. “I have to tell Maggie I’m going home,” I remembered. Otherwise she would be worried; we’d already been gone a long time.
“Text her right now. I don’t want to let you out of my sight, and I don’t want you going back in there.” Harrison’s face was cloudy, like he didn’t want to talk about it. I nodded, staying silent. Neither of us were any mood to talk yet.
I pulled out my phone as we stood there in silence in the cold. Maggie would be worried, but I didn’t want to tell her exactly what had happened. I’d give her the full breakdown soon, but not right now. I texted her saying I was calling it a night early, going home and going right to bed.
Hope things went well with Steve, came the quick reply.
I’ll tell you about it soon. I didn’t want to say too much. Maggie would run out of the bar after me, and I didn’t really feel like explaining the whole thing right now.
Sounds good. Don’t worry about me, I’ll roll myself home just fine.
Great, sorry to bounce out on you like that, I’m just feeling really tired.
You’ve got a ride home? Not with Steve, I hope.
Harrison’s taking me.
Harrison came out tonight? Whoa. Alrighty then. Stay safe. Oh, and don’t forget the baby shower tomorrow! Right. The baby shower. It had slipped my mind. Blergh. I couldn’t get out of it now.
I’ll be there, I replied hastily. I still had to get her a present, too. Plenty of time for that tomorrow morning, assuming I didn’t sleep through the morning.
Harrison watched me, a question on his face. “It’s all taken care of,” I reassured him. “We can go now,” I added, just above a whisper.
“Maggie can get herself home?” He sounded concerned. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d heard Harrison sound like that. It felt nice, even if he wasn’t talking about me.